

国内买球的正规网站有哪些提供卓越的骨科手术, complemented by comprehensive 和 supportive wrap-around care both before 和 after surgery to ensure you of the best possible outcome 和 quickest possible recovery.

We provide a complete array of orthopedic surgical care, including: hip 和 knee replacement 利用Mako机械臂辅助技术; spine care 和 surgery; h和, elbow 和 shoulder surgery; 和 foot 和 ankle surgery.


在哪里做手术是你自己的选择. 告诉你的初级保健提供者或专科医生你选择戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些.


  • 联合委员会批准髋关节和膝关节置换术的金印章
  • 信诺髋关节和膝关节置换术卓越中心
  • 蓝十字蓝盾髋关节和膝关节置换术蓝区分中心
  • Lowest rate of complications for hip 和 knee replacement among all hospitals in the region
  • 在该地区所有医院中,患者总体满意度最高


Our supportive care 和 education both before 和 after orthopedic surgery helps to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.

  • 手术前, our 疼痛管理 clinic provides non-surgical relief of pain related to orthopedic conditions as a first line of treatment when appropriate 和 until surgery becomes necessary.
  • 一旦安排了手术, our unique Joint Academy for patients undergoing total joint replacement provides all the information required for a smooth experience 和 fast, 完全康复, including: h和s-on look at the replacement implant; exercises to do prior to surgery that will help to speed healing after; what to expect on the day of surgery; 和 what to do 和 expect during the recovery period.
  • After surgery, our rehabilitation 和 in-home care providers will help you to heal. Our inpatient 物理治疗 team will get you off to a great start in the healing process, 以最小的痛苦. Our outpatient physical therapists will work with you to continue 和 complete your rehabilitation once you’re out of the hospital. 如果你在家里需要照顾或帮助, 我们的Day Kimball家庭保健服务也在这里为您服务.



Arthroscopic surgery involves making a small incision near the damaged joint 和 inserting an arthroscope to see inside. 关节镜就像一个带有灯和摄像机的小型望远镜. 同时在显示器上查看放大的区域, 外科医生能够识别并修复受损部位. 这通常是一天的手术.

前交叉韧带(ACL)是膝关节的四大韧带之一. ACL reconstruction is performed when the ACL has suffered a major or complete tear. 在手术中,使用移植物代替ACL. The procedure is often done arthroscopically (using a tiny telescope with a light 和 video camera), 但也可以作为传统的开放手术. 它可以在局部麻醉或全身麻醉下进行. Arthroscopic ACL surgery is usually a one-day surgery, requiring no overnight stay in the hospital. 前交叉韧带手术后的恢复时间很重要, 然而, 四到六个月不等, 需要康复治疗.

A bunion is an abnormal bony bump that develops at the base of a toe where it joins the foot. 拇囊炎会非常痛苦. A bunionectomy involves making an incision at the top or side of the toe 和 removing that portion of the metatarsal head that is affected. (跖骨是贯穿脚部的五块长骨, 附在方阵上的, 或者脚趾骨, 在他们的头上.) The procedure is usually done with a local anesthetic; a sedative may also be given. 这是一个通过我们acu进行的为期一天的手术.

The carpal tunnel is a small space in your wrist through which your median nerve 和 several tendons run, 从你的手臂到你的手. 当腕管因肿胀或其他损伤而缩小时, 这可能导致腕管综合征, 这就是痛苦, 手有刺痛感和其他问题. When the damage is severe or the condition has not responded to non-surgical treatments, surgery may be performed to reduce the pressure in the median nerve 和 relieve symptoms. 在手术过程中, the ligament that forms the top of the carpal tunnel is cut to provide more space for the median nerve. 这可以通过传统的开放手术来完成, 或者内窥镜手术, 这需要做一个较小的切口,并使用内窥镜(一个薄的, 灵活的, 照明的观察仪器)来观察手术部位并进行修复. 这是通过ACU进行的为期一天的手术.

One-day surgery for a variety of other foot problems not listed on 这个页面 is also available through our ACU.

We offer a variety of treatment options for those suffering from back or neck pain, including 疼痛管理物理治疗. But when non-surgical approaches don’t alleviate your pain 和 surgery becomes necessary, 你可以放心,我们会提供最高水平的护理. 脊柱 surgery is performed to treat a wide variety of conditions affecting the back 和 neck, 比如椎间盘突出, 脊柱退化和关节炎, 骨折, 椎管狭窄(椎管狭窄), 异常生长(肿瘤)和感染(脓肿). 我们的联合脊柱外科医生是最新手术的专家, safest 和 least invasive techniques for back 和 neck surgery using the latest equipment available.

我们全面的髋关节和膝关节置换术使用 Mako机械臂辅助技术 并因其护理质量和结果而享誉全国. 戴金宝医院 has been awarded the Gold Seal of Approval from The Joint Commission for hip 和 knee replacement 和 has also been named a BlueCross BlueShield Blue Distinction Center 和 a Cigna Center of Excellence for hip 和 knee replacement. Our unique Joint Academy helps our joint replacement patients know what to expect 和 how to prepare in order to have the best possible experience 和 recovery. We also maintain the lowest rate of complications for these surgeries among all hospitals in the region.
Visit our 臀部 和 膝盖 Replacement page for further information >

Shoulder replacement surgery involves replacing the ends of the humerus (upper arm bone) 和 the scapula (shoulder bone) with an artificial surface lined with metal or plastic 和 metal. 这是在全身麻醉下完成的,需要住院治疗. 就像我们的髋关节和膝关节置换手术一样, 我们的骨科医生团队, nurses 和 physical therapists will continue to work with you during your post-surgical recovery to ensure the best possible results 和 to maximize your physical potential after recovery.

Our team of highly skilled orthopedic surgeons is available to treat 和 repair a myriad of traumatic bone, 肌肉和肌腱损伤.

计费 & 支付信息

Please note that billing for surgical procedures will be submitted to your insurance carrier by more than one party; the physician’s practice for surgical services, 戴金宝医院 for facility services 和 North American Partners for Anesthesia (NAPA) for anesthesiology services (if applicable). 请向您的保险公司查询您的具体保险范围, 元钱, 免赔额和任何事先授权要求. If you have questions about your 戴金宝医院 bill or need help paying for care, 请国内买球的正规网站有哪些的团队 金融咨询师. 看到我们的 计费页面 了解更多信息.


物理医学 & 康复:物理治疗
物理医学 & 康复:职业治疗 


外科护理:Mako髋关节机器人技术 & 膝盖
支持团体 (见“做好手术准备,更快康复”计划)


Orthopedic surgeries at 戴金宝医院 are performed by 和 scheduled through our associated surgeons' offices.

Find an associated surgeon >





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